hey everyone i posted a thread about my dear old dog dog dying and i get alot of hits about people feeling bad about their dogs passing on, so i deiced to make a thread about all the animals you have in your life that bring a little more joy to your life
so heres some pictures of a few of my critters
Big bird.jpg
this is big bird hes about 40 years old a cat got a hold of him a few years ago and messed up his leg and hes blind in one eye but it don't stop him from doing loops in cage
this another pic of my dear old dog
I so sad looking.jpg
this i Wilbur again hes kind of a spaz
more pics coming soon
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My animals help keep me sane, we have 8 dogs,7 cats, 3 snakes,3 lizards,3 aquariums. In the past the kids were active in 4H and raised pigs and rabbits.
The next critter I plan to get is a burro,I need it to carry my gear due to my bad back......not that the Bump ever lets me down
"Beauty is only skin deep....Ugly is to the bone"
It is more important to understand what you don't know than what you do know,because then you can start to learn..???
"you must deal with the attaboys and the ass chewing s with your head up and looking them in the eyes" T.J.E. aka My Dad
There are only three types of people wolves, sheepdogs, and sheep. What are you?