I think this one was made with the original tooling, as it had the 'Ford' oval embossed into the foam on the backside (stiff foam). I certainly wouldn't call it a perfect fit, as I couldn't quite get the front edges to suck tight to the metal dash. The studs did line up with the holes nicely though. The reason I think they were 'seconds' was because a guy was selling 3 of them for $200 each. Even at that time, they were at least $400 for the Dashes Direct-made ones that use the original tooling, so too good of a deal to be true. My warpage issues probably have more to do with how I stored it.Ranchero50 wrote:California Mustang was selling those as repro's a couple years ago. I ended up with one and the studs didn't line up with the holes. Foam rubber felt like a soggy dog toy, not stiff like the OEM ones. I ended up selling it and installed a nicer original. PITA to deal with all those little studs.
Good originals are getting really hard to come by - I think in Canada they probably crack due to the cold. Have you folks in the US had better luck finding originals in good shape?