In Fall 2008 I bought a pair of 140" Beam's (WSCH300) retractable seat belts from for #50. As seems to be the rule with car projects, months became years--nearly two years later I'm just now ready to install them!
Although I may remove them again before #50 is fully on-the-road, I wanted to install the belts now to reduce the chances of getting a ticket (or at least a bad ticket) during one of my upcoming test drives.
Note that I already asked two questions regarding these belts, yet I wanted to start a new thread to document the complete installation in a fashion that's easy to find for other members in the future. Here are my previous, related threads:
Must the shoulder belt mount holes be tapped?
How long should a center position seat belt be?
I have some questions that I'll list at the end of this post! All of these images may be clicked upon to yield much higher definition and resolution versions.
Here's my receipt:
And here's the current state of my cab. Although my present wood-based seating is both luxurious and high-fashion, I'll swap the blocks out for something even better soon!
Here's the kit:
Two of these hardware sacks were included with my order. I may not wind up using most of what's in these kits; I ordered them just be sure I'd be fully equipped for installation.
Here's the contents of one of the hardware sacks.
I was a little surprised that the fine-thread bolts included in the kits are grade five; I might use grade eight bolts instead.
The hardware kit included this simple warning sheet. I think I get it!
Here's the short portion of the belt. I think these are installed in the middle of the bench seat.
One of the belt portions contained this tag--I ripped it off.
This additional tag was hiding under the previous one. You may wish to click on these images to make them legible.
And here's the retractable shoulder portion, from every angle. The retracting action feels fantastic!
A plastic cover lifts up to reveal the visible portion of the retracting mechanism.
Inside the cab, I found the inner seat belt bolt-down hardware where I placed it nearly two years ago. I believe part or all of this hardware came with the after market belts previously installed in #50--yet perhaps the bolt and heavy washer are OEM?
Here's a close look at that funny bracket; is this an OEM part? It doesn't look like one to me.
And here's the bolt and washer; these look more OEM, yet I can't be sure.
Here's another look at the inner seat belt portion laying on the cab floor with assorted brackets. Note that the terminal piece on the end of this belt portion is perfectly flat.
And here's where I'd like to bolt it down (the OEM location).
Here's the L-shaped bracket that was included in the hardware kit--should this be used here, as shown in this photo?
Questions, Round 1:
- How should this inner seat belt segment be fastened to the cab floor? Should it be fastened flat against the floor (using no brackets), fastened using the old, probably non-OEM bracket, or fastened using the L-shaped bracket that came in its hardware kit?
- Do y'all think the slightly bent, silver bracket is left over from my previously installed universal belt kit?
- Do y'all think the heavy bolt and washer is left over from the universal kit, or are those Ford parts?
- Is it true that I should poke the skinny end of the middle belt segment through the crack in the bench seat from the front, then set the seat in the cab, then bolt the inner segments down?